Professional Care Consultancy Ltd offer a range of services to support individuals and the private client work of legal professionals.
We currently offer the following services.
Case Management
At Professional Care Consultancy Ltd we provide a case management service for clients with disabilities or who are experiencing complex social circumstances. This service is relevant for people who require long or short-term intervention; to identify their needs and strengths whilst establishing a planned way forward to achieve their goals. This might involve commissioning and coordinating independent professionals, managing the process, and ensuring that the client is the central focus.
For example:
- An independent, older woman with a new diagnosis of dementia required help to plan her future care to ensure that her developing needs were appropriately met in a way which reflected her personality and promoted her continued independence. Professional Care Consultancy Ltd provided her with a full assessment of her needs, support to access and consider appropriate resources and help and support during the process of moving house and beyond.
- A working age man with mental health issues and learning disabilities, having spent most of his adult life in hospital and residential care, required help to decide upon the feasibility of moving into his own home in the community. Professional Care Consultancy Ltd provided a full assessment of the client’s needs, advised on the best interest process; liaising with all those involved in his care. The client has complex needs and Professional Care Consultancy Ltd remain involved in regularly reviewing his care provision and supporting all professionals currently working with him.
Assessment of Care Needs
An accurate and holistic tool to identify care needs and wishes by focusing on the strengths and abilities of the client, whilst also considering risks. These assessments include recommendations for appropriate future support and consider the positive and negative aspects of each option. The assessment is set out as a report, tailored to the individual’s circumstances. Previous referrers, particularly solicitors, have found these assessments vital in determining the best way forward for their clients in terms of meeting their care needs and financial planning.
Depending on the outcome of the assessment, we can assist with care sourcing:
The following are examples of how we can assist but it is important to note that this is not an exhaustive list.
- Sourcing care, e.g., arranging care at home
- Sourcing care homes/assisted living accommodation
- Sourcing independent support workers
- Supporting our clients to access resources (where necessary) to enable them to make their own decisions
- Identifying and introducing existing services from which our client may benefit
Placement/Care Package Reviews
We provide an exclusive service for people who live in care homes; to ensure their care needs are met correctly, and that they are satisfied with their placement. Whenever possible, this review is carried out in one visit and includes a meeting with the client, care staff, and relatives; we also review the client’s care records and our findings are set out in a detailed report for the solicitor or referrer.
Solicitors who are appointed as a Property and Financial Attorney or Deputy, often need to make financial decisions about care related matters. This service will ensure that the Attorney or Deputy is making decisions on the best available and up-to-date information and in accordance with the Office of Public Guardian Deputy Standards for Professional Deputies.
For example; Standard 1g (2): Care Arrangements ‘Ensure any level of care (including any supplementary therapies or treatments) is relevant to the client, good value for money and appropriate to the level of funds available. Standard 1g (2): Sources of Evidence: ‘Record of best interest decisions made, and people consulted. Care plans and record of regular reviews’ and Standard 2(1-6) ‘Gain insight into the client to make decisions in their best interest’.
Solicitors who are appointed as a Personal Welfare Attorney or Deputy will also find this service and the care sourcing/planning function to be invaluable for their clients and in meeting Deputy Standard 5 which specifically relates to personal welfare.
Arrangement of Care Packages and other Care Provision
Domiciliary care
Domiciliary care (also known as home care): The provision of paid staff coming into your home to help you to manage the tasks you may be struggling with. The success of domiciliary care rests upon the ability to find and commission the correct service and to ensure that your personal requirements are reflected in any agreements to provide care. There are a variety of ways to access and commission domiciliary services and Professional Care Consultancy Ltd can help you to source suitable care and to liase with your care providers to ensure that you are in receipt of the best care possible for the best price.
Live-in care. Live-in carers provide a similar range of services to those of conventional domiciliary care but do so by living at your property; thus, providing you with support for any unplanned needs throughout the night. Many care agencies are able to provide both daily support or someone to live in and Professional Care Consultancy Ltd can help you to consider the relative merits of both types of care provision so that you can get the best support package available to you
Arranging supported living environments. Sometimes it may not be possible to remain in your current family home and, again, there are various options available to meet your requirements
Residential care. A residential care home offers an environment in which individuals have their own room and are provided with access to care staff employed by the home over a 24-hour period. There are many different kinds of residential homes all catering for a variety of specific needs. Residential homes usually cater for individuals with less complex needs who require the extra security of in-house care staff and the peace of mind of no longer having to run a home. All care homes must be registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission.
Nursing Home. A Nursing Home also provides 24-hour care to individuals all of whom have their own rooms; in addition to support with usual activities of daily living and personal care a nursing home employs qualified nurses to oversee the work of the care assistants and to ensure that each individual’s health needs are met and managed. People needing the support of a Nursing Home tend to have more complex needs which cannot be managed by experienced but unqualified staff and require access to healthcare professionals more frequently than their GP practices are able to supply. Again, all nursing homes must be registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission
The choice of residential vs nursing home is a complex one which Professional Care Consultancy Ltd have experience in helping individuals seeking a new home to make.
Housing with care. The term housing with care is used to describe a variety of purpose built services, often blocks of flats or small developments of bungalows, which may be for rent or to buy. Such services tend to have communal areas for socialising and dining and shared laundry facilities and have access to domiciliary care services as part of their tenure. However, it is important to note that services describing themselves as ‘sheltered’ living or ‘retirement’ living may not have care or active support built in, with some ‘sheltered’ services having only a daily contact with a ‘warden’ who lives offsite.
The aim of Housing with Care is to maintain independence and privacy whilst also giving access to practical care and support as required and is often seen as the ‘compromise’ between continuing to live in a large unsuitable family home or moving into a residential home.
Retirement villages
Retirement villages offer independent apartments or bungalows with access to a range of leisure facilities and selected retail outlets. Some villages are also able to offer access to care services to ensure that you remain safe and active for as long as possible. Depending on the village, it is possible to purchase, rent or enter into a shared ownership agreement for individual properties.
Whatever the difficulties you face which may lead you to consider purchasing some care or moving home it is essential to access the correct, professional advice and support. Professional Care Consultancy Ltd are able to offer a range of support while accurately assessing your needs, sourcing appropriate services, and supporting you to make an informed choice at an often difficult and confusing time.
Mental Capacity Assessments
At Professional Care Consultancy Ltd, we provide a range of mental capacity assessments to professionals. Our preference is to undertake all visits face to face; but we understand that in some circumstances this might not be possible, for example in a pandemic. In such situations, and where appropriate we can offer an assessment by video link.
Mental Capacity Assessments
Mental Capacity to enter into a Lasting Power of Attorney
A specific detailed assessment that focuses on a person’s mental capacity to enter into a Lasting Power of Attorney for Property and Financial matters and/or Health and Welfare.
The assessment is set out in a report. Please note that if both types of assessments are requested, the assessment will consider each question separately in the body of one report.
Where possible we will endeavour to undertake both assessments in one visit, but this may not always be possible depending on the client and time required. A second visit may be needed which is charged at the standard rates.
Mental Capacity to sell a property
An assessment under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 addressing the issue of selling a property. This will include full consideration of the client’s understanding of key facts relating to the proposed sale and the implications of this sale for their future living arrangements. This assessment is, again, set out in a report.
Court of Protection (COP3) Capacity Assessments
COP3 assessments completed and returned within five working days from date of assessment.
Testamentary Capacity Assessments
An assessment in accordance with Banks vs Goodfellow (1870) of a person’s mental capacity to make a Will. This is underpinned by the statutory principles in the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The assessment is set out in a report.
Certificate Provider
Visit to the client to ensure they understand the purpose of the Lasting Power of Attorney, any authority conferred under it, that no fraud or undue pressure is being used to induce the client to create the Lasting Power of Attorney and that there is no other reason for the Lasting Power of Attorney to be created. A letter to evidence our decision to act as Certificate Provider will also be provided.